Ginger Herbal Tea: 3 Reasons Why Ginger Is Always In


When looking for a versatile and delicious tea, ginger can’t be beat. Ginger herbal tea is great first thing in the morning or right before bed, hot or iced, and before or after a meal. Ginger is used all over the globe as a spice in food and drink, and has been for centuries. Ginger tea has a long history of being used as herbal medicine in Asia and the Middle East. Today, people from all over the globe drink it because of its big, multi-faceted flavor.

At Premium Steap, we love ginger because of how well it mixes with other rich flavors, whether bold like orange or subtle like chamomile—it’s the perfect complement. In fact, we have over ten different gourmet ginger tea blends in stock online and in our shop; everything from the classic Organic Ginger to the exotic Tulsi Ginger Orange. Our customers love ginger tea, and as long as they keep loving it we’ll keep making new and unique blends that satisfy their cravings. Here’s a few reasons why we think we’ll be blending ginger teas for a long time!


3 Reasons Why Ginger Is Always In

  1. That one-of-a-kind spicy kick. Ginger’s signature spice is unmistakable. It’s a kick that stays fresh with each sip and it’s just the thing you need to jumpstart your day (or jumpstart your digestive system!). If you’ve given up caffeine, the spice in ginger herbal tea might be perfect way to wake you up in the morning and give you a much-needed boost throughout the day.
  2. It plays well with others. The ginger flavor goes incredibly well with other herbs and flavors. It’s a great solution to any tea that’s too sweet or too tart—spicy ginger is the best way to round out that flavor. We’re a big fan of ginger with citrus flavors, like in the Zesty Lemon, and we love the sweet/spicy combination of ginger with honey in our herbal Honey Ginger. Both can be found in our Cozy Ginger Sampler, a specially-selected mix of ginger teas that will warm you from inside through the rest of this winter season.
  3. It’s nice on ice. That same gingery zing that warms you right up is surprisingly refreshing iced! Iced ginger herbal tea with fresh lemon pairs well with lunch on a hot summer day—or, if you’re one of those people that drinks iced things all year round, ginger is one of those rare flavors that tastes just as good iced as it does warm. With our large iced tea maker, making a few cups of iced tea at once is a snap.


Why Premium Steap is the Place to Buy Ginger Herbal Tea

Now you know why people love ginger (and why they always will), but where should you start? At Premium Steap, we only sell high-quality, fresh loose-leaf tea in hermetically sealed packages for peak freshness, so you can be sure that every order is going to be aromatic and delicious. If you’re interested in our myriad other flavors, check out our other tea collections!