Summer Iced Tea & Latte Recipes

When you think of summer fun, images of beaches, sunny weather, bbqs and outdoor activities may come to your mind. When thinking about summer beverages, the only image you think of is iced tea! It’s the ultimate beverage to consume in the summer and it’s easy to make! A super cold iced tea really hits the spot on a sweltering hot day. So let’s stay hydrated this summer in the most delicious way possible! Premium Steap Tea has some new and signature summer blends, perfect for a day in the sun. Don’t know what teas work best?

What Kind Of Teas Make The Best Iced Summer Beverages?
  • Black Teas
  • Green Teas
  • Fruit Teas
  • Floral Tea
  • Herbal Teas
  • Oolong Teas

Summer Iced Tea Recipes

Once you have your iced tea selected, it’s time to make some tea! Below you’ll find a few recipes you can make at home.

Sweet Iced Tea

For a cold brew, 1 serving size, we recommend the following process:

  1. Steep your chosen tea as normal using an infuser, into a cup.
  2. Combine your desired sweetener like sugar, honey or lemon juice. This will give the sugar a chance to dissolve and the lemon a chance to infuse with the water. 
  3. Place in the fridge for 2-6 hours.
  4. Remove from the fridge, and enjoy! You can add extra ice cubes if you like.

This recipe is very versatile because you can use alternate flavors of tea, and you can sweeten it with more (or less) sugar, as desired. To make more tea, we recommend you use a Flask Glass Iced Tea Jug. It’s an easy way to filter out the tea leaves. 

Hojicha Iced Latte

If you like matcha, you’ll love this powdered iced tea drink. Hojicha roasted green tea is a traditional tea in Japan. 1 serving size, we recommend the following process:

  1. Mix 1/4 or 1/2 tsp or powder for 8 oz.
  2. Boil 185 degree water or milk and combine with hojicha.
  3. Add ice cubes to cool down the drink.
  4. Add your favorite sweetener and enjoy!

Find Hojicha powder here.

Iced Matcha Latte

Matcha has become very popular in the US over the years. It’s so popular that it has secured a signature spot on local and chain cafe menus. Our restaurant grade matcha is perfect for everyday uses like for smoothies, baking and of course, an iced latte. Read below to make this refreshing drink yourself. For 1 serving size, we recommend the following process:

  1. Add 1 teaspoon of matcha powder in a measuring cup and add a few tablespoons of hot water.
  2. Whisk it until the matcha has dissolved and small bubbles start to form on the edge of the mixture.
  3. Add 1 cup hot water to the mixture and set aside to chill.
  4. Add 1 cup of your preferred milk (oat, almond, whole, soy, etc.) to your glass. Make sure you pre-fill your glass with a large amount of ice.
  5. Pour in your matcha mixture.
  6. Add a sweetener of your choice and enjoy!

Find Matcha powder here.